๐Ÿ’ฅ Bonus Episode: Coaching Call with Allison

I don’t usually release coaching calls with clients but Allison has kindly allowed me to ๐Ÿ™‚

Her story is like so many I hear, so you will probably relate to some or all of it. This is much longer than a usual dyslexia podcast so it is a great one to listen to when going for a long walk or drive.

The first half is going though Allisons story of Dyslexia, school and life. Then the second half we dig deeper into some tools & challenges.ย 
I hope you enjoy it.

To find out more about a session like this you can click the link below.

1-1 Adult Dyslexia Coaching Sessions
or if you listened about – The Confident Dyslexic programme sign up for the wait list here.

Give This To Your Friends & Family

A Simple Guide that helps friends, family, and employers understand the needs of dyslexics.
Many with dyslexia will read it and have those "That's me!" or "Aha!" moments!

Truth About Dyslexia Podcast