Dyslexia In Adults Is A World Wide Challenge The Truth About Dyslexia Podcast Is My Journey Of Discovery
I’m Stephen, in the podcast listen along to see if you connect with my thoughts, have a few ‘aha’s’ along the way. I speak about having both Dyslexia and ADHD. With real life lessons that I hope will help you.

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Here are some of my top dyslexia podcasts to get your started
What people are saying about the podcast
Looking to learn more about Adult Dyslexia? This podcast is for adults, by an adult.
What we are seeing is that so many adults are being diagnosed with dyslexia at a late age (it’s quite bloody scary!). We had a 66-year-old join our Facebook support group the other day and that really even had my jaw dropping.
You see so many were missed. Never Diagnosed with Dyslexia.
For many, it was never on the school’s radar. It was expensive to do and a lot of dyslexics managed to hide it and just scrape by.
If you are over 35 you may have been missed by your school.
We are finding adults realise they have Dyslexia when a child is diagnosed or if they are lucky enough an employer notices.
This Podcast is my experience with Dyslexia
The episodes are all quite short – as if you are like me our attention span is not amazing right? I try and keep them to 12 – 14 minutes long.
From time to time I may do an interview which is a bit longer with an expert or someone with Dyslexia to get their perspective.
The Truth About Dyslexia is my diary of my experiences. It does not talk a lot about reading & writing but more about the stuff that lies underneath it and the challenges others do not talk about.
>> Truth About Dyslexia – Adult Dyslexia Podcast
Stephen talks through his journey, and what he is learning and shares insights from everyday life.
Most podcasts are between 7 and 15 minutes (so you don’t have to apply too much of your attention to them) but may just give you a gem of knowledge that you have been seeking.
The podcast has had over 840,000 downloads (feels crazy to say that) so far with fantastic feedback and a growing community being built up around the Truth About Dyslexia Facebook group.
We talk about employment, relationships, study, business and just life (one of our biggest challenges). Along with Anxiety, Confidence and I even mention Donald Trump and dyslexia!
Truth About Dyslexia’s podcast is focused on helping Adult Dyslexics deal with the challenges they face – going beyond the obvious.
We talk about the stuff no one told you at school or that is just becoming known.
Usually 2 episodes come out each week (or as he learns something new, that is worth sharing).
If you would like to be a guest or have something to share get in touch on our contact form on the home page. We are always looking for ideas and topics that can help out. You can also learn about tests & quizzes for adults with Dyslexia here
Note: July 2021 – I will be putting up 3 key podcasts at the top of the page – they will give you context for the whole podcast then you can just dive in and listen to whatever takes your fancy!
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Many with dyslexia will read it and have those "That's me!" or "Aha!" moments!