20 Things You Need to Know If Someone Has Dyslexia

In this episode, Stephen Martin discusses the complexities of dyslexia, including its hereditary nature, lifestyle challenges, cognitive differences, and the misconceptions surrounding its diagnosis. He emphasizes the importance of understanding dyslexia not just as a reading disorder but as a condition that affects various aspects of life. The conversation highlights the strengths and successes of individuals with dyslexia, aiming to raise awareness and provide support for those affected.


  • Dyslexia is hereditary and often runs in families.
    It affects more than just reading and writing; it impacts lifestyle.
  • Dyslexics may appear incoherent due to their unique thought processes.
  • Many dyslexics experience fluctuations in their daily functioning.
  • A significant number of dyslexics may not realize they have it.
  • Visual thinking is a common trait among dyslexics.
  • Dyslexia cannot be cured, but individuals can learn to manage it.
  • Dyslexics often have high intelligence but may struggle with self-esteem.
  • Awareness and understanding of dyslexia are crucial for support.
  • Many successful individuals, including famous figures, have dyslexia.


dyslexia, awareness, cognitive differences, lifestyle challenges, misconceptions, diagnosis, visual thinking, strengths, success stories, ADHD, adults with dyslexia,

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