Being Present & Grounded – A Dyslexic Challenge

In a recent coaching session – i had a little Aha moment. A realisation about being present in my dyslexic mind. It is one of the reasons I value coaching & helping people is that with every session I grow.

I found it so valuable it deserved it’s own podcast. In this pod – I touch on:

Being Grounded & Present in the Dyslexic Mind
Do you have to be present only in reality?
How can you bring this practice into challenging times
Why I believe Multi-tasking is not as it seems

If you enjoy the pod make sure you share it and review it.

Give This To Your Friends & Family

A Simple Guide that helps friends, family, and employers understand the needs of dyslexics.
Many with dyslexia will read it and have those "That's me!" or "Aha!" moments!

Truth About Dyslexia Podcast