Dyslexia and Supplements – My Top Picks

Do you use supplements to help with you Dyslexia (and/or ADHD)?

I think we have all tried a few over the years. I wanted to talk about what I do on a regular basis and 2 I am trying at the moment to see if it helps. Dyslexia does not have a lot of research in this way that I can find – It is more lived experiences – so here is mine.
Here is the link I mention to what I am trying – https://amzn.to/3y9OXZb

Give This To Your Friends & Family

A Simple Guide that helps friends, family, and employers understand the needs of dyslexics.
Many with dyslexia will read it and have those "That's me!" or "Aha!" moments!

Truth About Dyslexia Podcast