From Held Back To Masters Degree with Guest Philip Long

Philip shares his journey with dyslexia, starting from his early challenges in school to his college years. He discusses the difficulties he faced, such as not understanding cheating in second grade and being held back in second grade due to dyslexia. Philip highlights the importance of supportive teachers, particularly his grandmother and English teacher, in helping him learn to read and write. He also mentions the bullying he experienced and the impact of having two parents who were educators. Philip talks about the challenges he faced in college and how technology, such as text-to-speech software, helped him succeed. Philip Long shares his experience of navigating college with dyslexia and how he developed strategies to succeed. He emphasizes the importance of understanding what teachers are looking for and focusing on the key points. He also discusses his journey of learning languages, including Spanish and Chinese, and how he used listening and visualization techniques to overcome dyslexia challenges. Philip highlights the significance of self-advocacy and finding one’s own path in education and career. He encourages individuals with dyslexia to never give up, focus on their strengths, and utilize technology to support their learning.


  • Supportive teachers and mentors can make a significant difference in a dyslexic student’s learning journey.
  • Bullying and social challenges are common experiences for dyslexic individuals, but finding a supportive community can help overcome these obstacles.
  • Having parents who are educators can be both a blessing and a challenge, as they may struggle to understand dyslexia but also provide valuable support.
  • Technology, such as text-to-speech software, can be a game-changer for dyslexic individuals in accessing and comprehending written information.
  • Dyslexic individuals are often highly intelligent, but their struggles with reading, writing, and spelling can create a gap between their knowledge and their academic performance. Understand what teachers are looking for and focus on the key points
  • Use listening and visualization techniques to overcome dyslexia challenges
  • Be your own advocate and communicate your needs
  • Focus on your strengths and utilize technology to support your learning


dyslexia, challenges, school, learning, support, bullying, parents, educators, college, technology, dyslexia, college, strategies, success, understanding, focus, languages, self-advocacy, strengths, technology, ADHD, adults with dyslexia, support for adults.

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