#HPD – 2 Ways To Better Use Your Dyslexic Brain

We speak a lot about awareness and acceptance. It is vital for all dyslexics to feel & realise they are not alone. It is a gift that allows you to start to move past (it is a process) some of the pain and struggle that you have lived with all your life.

But what is on the other side of that?

I have been thinking through this for a while, as I learn and filter what I am learning and it has brought me to the concept of:

The High Performance Dyslexic

Taking the awareness & acceptance, starting to release the shame & learn how to master your mind. In this episode we talk about 2 visual techniques which are gold. 
If you would like some more one on one help to become high performing – reach out.
Book a time to talk here – https://coaching.truthaboutdyslexia.com

Give This To Your Friends & Family

A Simple Guide that helps friends, family, and employers understand the needs of dyslexics.
Many with dyslexia will read it and have those "That's me!" or "Aha!" moments!

Truth About Dyslexia Podcast