My Dyslexia Story – Start Here

Adult Dyslexia is one of the biggest hidden challenges I believe in the world today. Many people live with it undiagnosed, comparing themselves to others and asking – ‘why don’t i measure up?’ Using tools to navigate life that were never mean’t for them.

It’s like at school Dyslexic’s were gifted a 6-speed manual Ferrari for a brain – but were only ever taught to drive an automation corolla. It’s tough.

This is the first episode in a new series as a starting point for Dyslexic’s just starting to listen to the Truth About Dyslexia – It is my story. Through it you will get a taste of who I am – learn some lessons on what Dyslexia is and just maybe you will listen on to more.

This podcast is 1000% FREE and designed to offer real ‘aha’ moments that will change peoples lives. I hope you love it and want to spread the word. 

Give This To Your Friends & Family

A Simple Guide that helps friends, family, and employers understand the needs of dyslexics.
Many with dyslexia will read it and have those "That's me!" or "Aha!" moments!

Truth About Dyslexia Podcast