Sensitivity Overload for Dyslexics

Welcome to “The Truth About Dyslexia” with your host, Stephen! 🎙️ In this eye-opening podcast, we dive deep into the sensory world of dyslexic individuals. 🌈 Ever wondered why they might find it hard to focus in a noisy room or why they’re sensitive to light and temperature? 🤔 We’ve got you covered!

We explore how dyslexics process a whirlwind of stimuli all at once, making it a challenge to filter out distractions. 🌀 Imagine trying to play a football match where everyone’s shouting instructions at you, the sun’s in your eyes, and you’re also trying to remember your game strategy. ⚽ That’s a day in the life of a dyslexic person.

We also delve into how dyslexics link new information to what they already know, a bit like connecting the dots in a complex play on the pitch. 🤓⚽ But this mental gymnastics takes a lot of focus, so don’t be surprised if they miss a pass—or a point in conversation—now and then.

Lastly, we tackle the challenges dyslexics face in work environments, especially in open-plan offices. 🏢 Think of it as playing on a pitch with too many distractions—loud fans, uneven turf, and unpredictable weather. 🌦️ Noise-cancelling headphones can be a game-changer, but self-awareness is the real MVP. 🎧

So tune in to understand, empathise, and learn how to better support the dyslexic individuals in your life. 🎧🌟

Give This To Your Friends & Family

A Simple Guide that helps friends, family, and employers understand the needs of dyslexics.
Many with dyslexia will read it and have those "That's me!" or "Aha!" moments!

Truth About Dyslexia Podcast