This post is going to be quite a long one (so I wanted to actually start it – rather than imagine I did it and forget about it). The cross over between Dyslexia and ADHD is massive.
Many people if they are lucky are diagnosed correctly but – let’s be honest many are not diagnosed and others are self diagnosed.
Although the exact numbers seem to change based on who you speak to, the conclusion is these 2 are strongly linked and have a lot of cross over.
The analogy we use a lot with Neurodiversity is we are all like a cocktail of different things. Some are stronger dyslexia, other stronger ADHD but often they are closely linked.

Now although we do a lot of work on Dyslexia – many of our coaching clients, listeners and community will also have ADHD to some degree. Neurodiversity is never one size fits all. The mix of our upbringing, strength of our individual cocktail and a bunch of environmental factors all come into play.
One of the challenges we all face is that ADHD and even Dyslexia have been seen as ‘kids’ challenges – you should be all sorted as you get older. This is not the truth but it is a myth that has been going a long time.
If anything it is worse as an adult as you don’t have parents and teachers dedicated to supporting you – you just have your mind – and when untrained can be challenging. We have helped lots of people – especially adults with dyslexia to train their visual mind but one thing I do suggest is get a feel for if you are ADHD too.
When I first found out about ADHD I watched this video below – It is a bit long so be aware that you will probably do a few things while watching it – and that is ok.
I watched it with a friend and about 11 minutes in he got up and started marinating chicken. We did not need to watch the rest of the video ?
This is a great video by the people at Understood on ADHD.